Insight and convincing readers to

B. Fight digital divide, addiction and cyberbullying Digital divide is an economic and social inequality with regard to access to, use of, or impact of information and communication technologies. Everyone of us has the right to access in media. But if we will do it, or if we uses media, we must use it in a good way so that we can't step in to the dignity of other individual. Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug and seeking and use,despite harmful consequences. It is also considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain and they change its structure and how it works. Some of us take drugs because of depression, problem or some of us take drug just because of curiosity. They didn't think the consequences that they must face. Drugs will surely damage your brain, the way you think, the way you speak, the way you act , all of that will change. Stop . Stop while you can control it. Addiction can lead you to the wrong path. Curiosity kills, as long as you can avoid taking a drugs, AVOID IT. Cyberbullying is when someone uses a technology tosend mean, threatening, or embarassing messages to or about another person. It might be in a text, email, message, photos, videos, or in a post online. If you're one of the victim of a cyberbullying, you have the right to figgt your right. Theres some people that are willing to help you. Cyberbullying can affect to another life. Cyberbullying can lead to suicide because he/she is ashaeme to face other people. Fight your right to live normal in this world and you will aim the success.


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